I was super excited about this. She was very very proud of her new bike, it was also way safer than her $2 dollar garage sale bike.. So I took her to the Crestview BMX track in Topeka to go over some ramps because obviously the best thing you can do is go over ramps with a 5 year old. Now when I was about ten years younger I used to be a BMX star (will update post soon with video...). Anyway after a few minutes I told Taryn, "hey, you know your Dad is good at this, watch me" I was started peddling around the jumps went around the berm to the large jump on the back straight away, everything is going great, and I am going fast, very fast and I hit the ramp and think, yes you can actually jump this, I get to the top of the ramp and realize I can not jump this.. and decide to manual through the jump...
At my weight this change of direction doesn't happen as quickly as I plan and the bike takes off to the right my body still by inertia goes in its direction.. now remember this is a BMX track with like dozens of 15 year olds riding around.. I am 30... at this point the only out come is a crash.. I feel the bike going one way and me the other.. knowing I hurt my knee not too long ago bowling (complete other story).. god only knows what this is going to fell like... I lose it, and slam knee and chest first into the next jump, boom, dust goes everywhere, I stop instantly.. I feel a thought of the kids laughing at me, maybe even my wife, but the only thing I can do is, throw a fist up and say "yes", like I meant to do it..
I honestly couldn't have felt anymore empowered, I quickly forgot about the kids, forgot about the blood on my pink shorts, the pain in my body and thought, I really went for it!
We live a life as we get more "adult" and think chances are for crazy people and that falls hurt "really, really bad", we forget that a little falling and getting back up are what really define our personality and courage. A little adrenaline doesn't hurt either.. --Justin