Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dreams of a relaxed Barber...

-I was talking with my Barber, mind you my barber has a shop in one of the more distinct areas of our town.  Lots of small shops, abandoned lots, even a couple of semi demoed homes. He is a very successful barber, we have briefly talked about income and tips, I would guess to say at about 20 bucks a haircut he makes 8 to 12,000 a year above the average household income of $35,000, and our median per person income of Topeka is $22,000.  Half of his family is from Mexico, my barber can cut some serious hair, very very good.
-My barber tells me he is thinking about moving back to Mexico, and my first response is why? Why would you do that?  Don't people die trying to get to America and you are going back, he also misses about a month or two of business a year to go back to see his family in Mexico, and his business still thrives... (that's a testament to giving to your family and getting back). I am actually half hispanic and I know how much fun and close together that side our family can be.
-I apologize for my quick, assuming and brash response and ask, well tell me why you felt Mexico might be a better option than Topeka or even the United States.  And my mind opened up a bit..

(work in progress come back to see the rest on Sunday) -Justin

He says I am getting older quick here. I was just in highschool.. And now its 4 years later.. In my home town they work in the morning and then from 130 to 330 all the shops close and the people go home and nap or hang with their FAM... What??? I think that sounds fun. He goes it may be less money but it is so much more relaxed there...